H & R Custom Water FAQs

For answers to frequently asked questions and concerns regarding Water, BPA, & Plastic please continue reading below.

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BPA, also known as Bisphenol A has been a hot topic in the news lately. There has been much controversy about the safety of consuming food and water that has been stored in polycarbonate containers containing Bisphenol A. Recent Information in the news about Bisphenol A has been misleading, creating unnecessary panic and fear. We would like to take this opportunity to shed some light on this matter.

“The estimated dietary intake of BPA from polycarbonate is less than 0.0000125 milligrams per kilogram body weight per day. Stated another way, an average adult consumer (60kg body weight) would have to ingest more than 600 kilograms (about 1300 pounds) of food and beverages in contact with polycarbonate every day for an entire lifetime to exceed the level of BPA that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has set as safe.”1

“What does this mean for consumers of bottled water? Throughout a whole lifetime, it is impossible to consume sufficient amounts of polycarbonate stored beverages to even reach the limit of BPA established as safe by European and international authorities.”2

For more information on Bisphenol A, please go to the following website:

What do the recycling numbers 1 - 7 mean on plastic containers?

The numbered coding system is a means to identify the resin content of bottles and containers. This coding system has been designed to help recyclers identify and sort the plastic bottles and containers by the type of resin used in manufacturing.

The following excerpt is taken from the Leader Post (Regina) Thursday, April 17, 2008.

“The reusability of plastic bottles is based on a numbering system. The number should appear somewhere on the bottle within the universal recycling sign.

The lower the number on the bottle, the less that bottle should be reused. A bottle with a No. 1 should never be reused while a bottle with a No. 7 can be reused indefinitely.

No. 1 — Soda bottles, water bottles, vinegar bottles, medicine containers
No. 2 — Containers for: laundry/dish detergent, fabric softeners, bleach, milk, shampoo, conditioner, motor oil
No. 3 — Cooking oil bottles, baby bottle nipples, coffee containers
No. 4 — Several varieties of bottles
No. 5 — Tupperware, syrup bottles, yogurt tubs
No. 6 — Coffee cups, disposable cups (clear and coloured)
No. 7 — Several varieties of bottles”

For more information about the Plastic Container Coding System, please go to the following website: www.plasticsmakeitpossible.com

1 From the Information Sheet series produced by the Bisphenol A Global Industry Group
2 From Plastics Europe